The Organizing Committee of ICEMPE 2021 invites all interested professionals and academics in the fields of electrical materials and power equipment to submit extended abstracts, prepared using one side of letter-size paper, no longer than one (1) pages and no more than 500 words, that summarized the proposed papers. Submissions will be reviewed by the Technical Committee and, if accepted, the author will be asked to submit final manuscripts that will be assigned to the appropriate session based on the author's application and program requirements.
The authors are invited to submit an electronic version of papers via the conference website: http://www.icempe.org. The official language of the conference is English. lnstructions and detailed information on the conference will be posted on the conference website. All accepted papers will be published in lEEE Xplore (indexed by El).
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission:Oct. 30, 2020 Nov. 20, 2020 Nov. 30, 2020 (One page,no more than 500 words)
Author Notification:Nov. 30, 2020 Dec. 28, 2020
Manuscript Submission:Dec. 31, 2020 Jan. 28, 2021
Acceptance of Manuscript:Jan. 31, 2021 Feb. 28, 2021
The topics will cover all fields related to electrical materials and power equipment including (but not limited to):